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"A caching approach for XML based medical data.", 2000.
C16.pdf (259.66 KB)

"Caching Ob jects from Heterogeneous Information Sources.", 1999.
C10.pdf (282.26 KB)

Caching Techniques for Parallel I/O Servicing." In PDPTA, edited by Hamid R. Arabnia, 1230-1235. CSREA Press, 1999.
""Caching Techniques for Parallel IO Servicing.", 1999.
C9.pdf (187.64 KB)

Capturing Social Data Evolution Using Graph Clustering." IEEE Internet Computing 17 (2013): 74-79.
PDF (996.48 KB)
"Capturing Social Data Evolution Using Graph Clustering." (2012).
J52.pdf (707.68 KB)

CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities." IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21 (2009): 137-151.
J38.pdf (2.5 MB)
"CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities." (2009).
J38.pdf (2.5 MB)

CDNsim: A simulation tool for content distribution networks." ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 20 (2010).
J45.pdf (842.84 KB)
"CDNsim: A Simulation Tool for Content Distribution Networks." (2010).
J45.pdf (842.84 KB)

CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task." In MediaEval, edited by Martha Larson, Adam Rae, Claire-Helene Demarty, Christoph Kofler, Florian Metze, Raphaël Troncy, Vasileios Mezaris and Gareth J. F. Jones. Vol. 807. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 807., 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)
"CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task.", 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)

City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos." In ICMR, edited by Francesco G. B. De Natale, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alan Hanjalic, B. S. Manjunath and Shin’ichi Satoh, 65. ACM, 2011.
""City Exploration by use of Spatio-temporal Analysis and Clustering of User Contributed Photos.", 2011.
C79.pdf (449.42 KB)

CityDNA: Smart City Dimensions' Correlations for Identifying Urban Profile In WWW (Companion Volume). Perth, Australia: ACM, 2017.
PDF (1.94 MB)

CityPulse: A platform prototype for smart city social data mining." Journal of the Knowledge Economy 7 (2016): 344-372.
PDF (6.83 MB)
Class-based Prediction Errors to Categorize Text with Out-of-vocabulary Words. ALW1'17. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
Paper (211.93 KB)

"Cloud Computing." (2011).
J49.pdf (280.78 KB)

Cloud Computing: Distributed Internet Computing for IT and Scientific Research." IEEE Internet Computing 13 (2009): 10-13.
J39.pdf (337.84 KB)
"Cloud Computing Distributed Internet Computing for IT and Scientific Research." (2009).
J39.pdf (337.84 KB)

Cloud-based architectures for Geo-located blogosphere dynamics detection." Smart Cities (2016).
PDF (1.02 MB)
Cluster-Based Landmark and Event Detection for Tagged Photo Collections." IEEE MultiMedia 18 (2011): 52-63.
J46.pdf (882.09 KB)
"Cluster-Based Landmark and Event Detection for Tagged Photo Collections." (2011).
J46.pdf (882.09 KB)

Clustering dense graphs: A web site graph paradigm." Inf. Process. Manage. 46 (2010): 247-267.
"Clustering of Social Tagging System Users: A Topic and Time Based Approach." In WISE, edited by Gottfried Vossen, Darrell D. E. Long and Jeffrey Xu Yu, 75-86. Vol. 5802. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5802. Springer, 2009.
C66.pdf (2.89 MB)